So you want to Look Good Naked?

July 29, 2014

You wouldn’t start building a house by shingling the roof;  you would be smart to start with the foundation and progress from there.

The same goes for looking good naked…

“I look so good I’m gonna throw this disc around, naked.”

Don’t lose sight of the pillars of body composition.

It can be easy to get caught up in the nuances of nutrition and training and forget that in the big picture the fundamentals are what drives ones results through time.  So what’s important to keep in mind?

1.  Total caloric intake

Calorie intake through time (weeks, months, years) will determine the weight you find yourself at.

The concept is simple.  The challenge in day-to-day life is to be mindful of this and build habits that support your goals.

*This post is not about specific tactics or strategies to manage caloric intake (see the links below for follow-up reading).

The long and the short of it is that you ultimately need to find a diet that works for you / your lifestyle / your goals.

“You may not be able to see it, but there is a one-pound steak under this fruit”

An interesting note from the research:

The only consistent finding among fat loss trials on both ends of the low vs. high carb spectrum, is that adherence – the degree to which participants continued in the program or met program goals for diet and physical activity – was most strongly associated with weight loss.” (Pagato. 2013)

2. Total volume of training

The total cumulative weight you lift through the weeks, months and years will determine how your body looks.

Generally speaking, lifting more (volume) is better (so long as you recover from it).

Admittedly, there is a lot of nuance here left out with respect to training, as in there are certainly approaches that are more intelligent than others for reaching ones goals, but when you zoom out to the big picture (think years) the overall work that you do will determine your physique.

Train as hard as possible, as often as possible, while staying as fresh as possible.”Zatsiorsky

Please don’t take this as saying that you need to exert yourself like crazy every-time you are in the gym – if you are reading this and thinking you need to go absolutely destroy yourself at your next workout so that you puke and can’t walk then you missed the point.

So again, more is better with the giant qualification that you need to be able to recover from it. 

If you are reading this article and pondering what program you should do – remember, a shitty program followed is better than a perfect program untouched.  This is of course not optimal, but, go out and do something is the point.

That’s it for the pillars.   What else though? …

Do I have to lift weights?

Training carves the canal through which the river of calories shall flow” -Amir Siddiqui

Resistance training sits firmly at the top of the pile with respect to what will effect body composition most potently.  Ultimately one does not have to lift weights but it is certainly the most efficient and effective way to change how you look.

You can be an ultra-marathoner (expending tons of energy) and still look subjectively weak.

You can do yoga, running, swimming, and anything else under the sun but without some form of resistance training you will still likely be coming short of your potential.

This is not to say that any of these types of working out are “bad” or should be avoided (I am talking purely about body composition / how one looks).  There are a multitude of benefits to be had (tons of health improvements), standalone or synergistically, but with respect to lean muscle mass and overall looks – lifting takes the crown.

More reading…

Okay, so after reading this are you going to go back to your facebook feed and mindlessly scroll through it or do something of equal unimportance?  Hehe, I’m thinking you will.   How about you check out some of these these links to supplement what you’ve just read:

Alan Aragon – The Dirt on Clean Eating

Alan’s article expands on the themes of my post AND gives strategies and tips on how to achieve your goals.

Brian Wansink – Mindless Eating

Brian’s book can help you become a more mindful eater.

Chad Landers – Top 5 Reasons Your Diet Isn’t Working

Similar to Alan’s post (and mine here) – a simple overview of what to pay attention to.

Precision Nutrition Coaching

Looking for a coach to help you take care of this part of your life and help you establish healthy long term habits?  I would recommend this organization.  I am not an affiliate and do not get a commission from recommending them, I simply believe they are great at what they do.

Okay, your turn…

What can you do today to move towards your goals?  Go do that!


2013 Reflection: Favourite Books, People and Websites

January 1, 2014

Looking back at 2013 I realize there were a lot of ideas and people that captured my attention and caused me to look at the world a little bit differently.

The following are quick summaries of the books, ideas, people and websites that I found interesting, thought-provoking and worthwhile to pay attention to.


I’ll start by saying that in past years the books I’ve gravitated towards have mostly been about self-improvement and spirituality.  Books that in reflection that probably tended to have had more style than substance (and I think that’s okay if that’s what can serve a person at the time).

Some of the following books and ideas below have helped redefine what these topics mean to me.  For instance – books that are on self-improvement that are simply cheer-leading (“you can do it!” type messages) aren’t doing it for me anymore, I want something with more substance (science/research/practical advice).  Further, my notions of spirituality that used to include a higher power have now been replaced with simple reverence for life (not to say I’ve ruled out a higher power – yet I don’t think the concept is necessary for living a “spiritual” life).  More on this below – including books that stood out to me that caught me by surprise.

(Note* links to Amazon pages [not affiliate] are in the book titles not the pictures below)

The Willpower Instinct




The first “self-help” book on the list.  I hesitate to categorize it in the traditional self-help category because of the way it’s written – it is as much a treatise on the science of willpower as it is a practical guide for living better.  Kelly McGonigal does a great job of highlighting the latest research on willpower – what it is, how to improve it etc, all in the context of an easy to understand framework that gives immediate actionable advice.  If I had to pick one self-help type book from my collection for the best bang for your buck – this one wins hands down.





This book wins for the most divisive book/theme on my list (as evidenced by the amazon reviews).  In a nut shell it is a book that explores the idea that the path to success in life is not necessarily in line with what we are taught in school and that by embracing certain realities/truths and leveraging certain behaviours and traits we can accelerate ourselves along that path.  The main theme is Power (as per the title) but I found it to be primarily valuable in understanding the dynamics of persuasion, interrelations and self-promotion on a more subtle level.  I think the reviewers on amazon who rate it as one star are likely uncomfortable with the topic in principle and discount it immediately.  I found there to be a lot to learn and think about in this book.  I would recommend it to most anyone and especially to those fresh out of school who are entering the workforce as it could help take years off your learning curve and help give you the awareness to make it further in life, quicker.

The Belief Instinct




This book simply punched me in the brain and caused me to reevaluate my preconceived notions of spirituality.  In other words – before reading this book I was fairly confident that there is a higher power (because it “felt” true to me).  After reading this book (and delving into the topic further – see Sam Harris below) I am not so confident and have come to see that the research shows that the brain is hardwired for this type of belief pattern.  It might stand to reason that this loss of faith could have negative consequence on the mind and personality yet I feel just as “alive” (or more) and empowered to live a good life than prior.  In other words, confronting the idea that – this life might be it – was actually pretty liberating as it doubled-down my commitment to making the most of it while I’m here.

Will to Live 


Will To Live


This book wins for its all round bad-assery.  In a nut shell, survival expert Les Stroud details a number of famous survival cases from the past 100 years and provides his own summaries of the situations insofar as what he thought they did right, wrong, what the could have done differently, etc.  It is written in a very humble (appreciative of the fact that these are dire circumstances) and mesmerizing way.  It highlights the extreme will to live and ingenuity of a number of people who have had to face life or death scenarios.  If you have an inkling of interest in this area you’ll probably really enjoy this book and it may even make you more appreciative for how good we have it in our day to day lives as it provides an extreme contrast to everyday life.

An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth




This book caught me by surprise for how much I enjoyed it and the further interest it provoked (learning more about the Space Program in general and watching videos on YouTube, etc).  The book was a gift from my brother  and topic that I would have likely never delved into on my own.  It is a very interesting story that brings to life the path of one man as he goes from young man to commander of the international space station.  I found it entirely fascinating and really did a good job of bringing to light a topic that I had no idea I’d appreciate so much.  In short – what NASA and related space programs are doing is wholly badass.

An excerpt from the book:

“…and that’s when I notice the universe.  The scale is graphically shocking.  The colors, too.  What’s coming out of my mouth is a single word:  Wow.  Only, elongated:  Wwwooooowww.  It’s overpowering, visually, and no other senses warn you that you’re about to be attacked by raw beauty.”

What’s cool is Chris Hadfield became a social media sensation during his 6 months in space in 2013.  I’m just digging into some of his YouTube clips (which do a good job showing what it’s like to live on the space station) and enjoying them quite a bit.  With the help of his son and others they managed to produce the first music video from space, which has some clips and sights from the station.  Here it is if you are interested:


There are probably as many people whose ideas influence me as there are days in the year – however the following two people are at the top of my list this year for people who I enjoyed learning from most.

Brené Brown




If you’ve heard about Brené Brown before you know that she is a warm personality, a great presenter and a stunningly honest and open person.  Her work personifies courage and what it means to live a whole-hearted life.  To me it doesn’t come as a surprise that her TED talk is one of the most viewed in the sites history.  Her message on the power of vulnerability cuts straight to the core and I believe is very relevant in this day and age.

From her talk:

“…in order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen – really seen.

Sam Harris




I’m not sure I even know where to start when describing Sam Harris.  To me, he epitomizes the pinnacle of intellectual honesty and reason.  His capacity to take on tough/taboo topics and elucidate on them is overwhelmingly powerful.  In the public sphere he is probably best known for criticizing religion (and if you follow his train of thought it’s hard not to agree), but to me his most touching discourses are on meditation, mindfulness and living life to the fullest.

People of faith might write him off on first glance yet I believe there is a lot of be gained from reflecting on what he says – and that some of his messages are actually compatible with what a religious person might put forth, such as:

There is “..nothing irrational about seeking the states of mind that lie at the core of many religions. Compassion, awe, devotion and feelings of oneness are surely among the most valuable experiences a person can have.”

The following talk of his is my favourite and in my belief worthy of revisiting from time to time:

Websites that I love

Brain Pickings




I can’t recall exactly how I came across this website but I’m certainly glad I did.  In essence this website is a hub for captivating ideas and topics. It’s basically brain candy – bite sized reflections on a wide variety of topics.  It’s easy to get lost in the site but it is time well spent as it is usually very thought provoking.  The site also has a facebook page which is great too.

Greater Good Science Center




Instead of summarizing the site in my own words, here is a description of this website/group:

The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being, and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society.

Much like brain pickings it is a site that reflects on a wide variety of topics.  It is well organized and contains a lot of good content.  They also have a quality facebook page.

More to Come for 2014


Well that’s the shortlist for exciting books, people and websites for this year.  Let’s see what we can find in 2014.

How I Trained for a Tough Mudder and a Summer of… Not Working Out?

September 2, 2013

This is two-part post – how I trained for a Tough Mudder and a reflection on ‘taking a summer off’ from the gym.

Firstly – I’m “Not a Runner”

Let me phrase that another way, I can run, I just don’t do it regularly.  My first love is weight training and she’s a beautiful bitch who makes me come back for more and more.  Running on the other hand, aside from brief stints in the past 5-8 years where I’ve only really had like 2 summers where I did it consistently, ranks lower on my enjoyment list.

Mostly I’ve just used it as an adjunct to my regular routine – as a means to cut some body fat to look good in the summer.  I’ve personally got some great results from including a couple semi-intense sessions a week (4-5km as “fast” as I can do it, training at around 80-90% intensity).

3 Months Out – 16 km Race Coming Up

Since I’m by no means an expert on designing running programs I decided to outsource my routine creation to somebody I trust, someone with a solid background.  I ended up getting a program designed by Greg Lehman  whose resume reads Masters of Science in Spine Biomechanics, Doctor of Chiropractic and Physiotherapist, amongst other accreditation’s.  On top of that – he’s a cool guy to shoot the breeze with.  If you’re in Toronto and looking to get your body assessed and fixed up I couldn’t recommend him more highly.

The following program was what we came up with based on where I was at and the amount of time I wanted to put forth (I really only wanted to do as much as necessary).  Two things he said to me stuck with me as I trained – firstly, to my surprise he said casually that he thought I could go out and run a Tough Mudder the next day if I wanted – it felt good to have have that confidence rained on me!  Secondly, he said that the point of training for a race like this is to be able to run the race come race day, feeling 100% with no injuries from the training period.  In other words, no need to go overboard with training – just do enough to get the body ready and with an eye on how body is reacting (nip any injury in the bud with rest or appropriate intervention).


So the way this breaks down on paper is:

For the first 6 weeks – 2 runs of around 5km each – with the caveat that these are not intense runs – just enough to get my body used to running again and start building my endurance.

Once I got to week 7 I was to begin lengthening the runs so they are 5-8km and add in a third run, which is a hill run, where at first I only do 20 minutes but as I progress through the remaining weeks try to increase the duration to up to 40 minutes.

So by all appearances this is a pretty “easy” training program with intelligent progression.  Did I follow it to a tee?  No – that would have just made too much sense.

I ended up doing one run and one bike session per week for the first 6 week period.  I found that my legs were getting beat up playing softball regularly and that hitting the stationary bike was a good alternative as it was less wear and tear.  In fairness, Greg said I could swap in the occasional bike session for a run because the endurance was still valuable.

As for the 2nd period – I would say I probably only really did about 60-70% of the prescribed training, due to a few factors, such as a minor hamstring pull a couple weeks out from the race and some unexpected social opportunities as well as probably a touch of laziness here and there.  In the end, during my training period I would say the longest I ran in one session was about 7 kms and probably close to 40 minutes.

The Race

The race was a great experience and my performance was beyond my expectations.  My endurance was where it needed to be, enough to push through the entire race and I never felt like I hit the wall.  The benefit of running a tough mudder type race is that you run intermittently and then reach an obstacle e.g. crawl through mud, jump over a wall, get electrocuted (lol), which allows your endurance to kind of reset as you’re utilizing a different energy system.

In the end it was a lot of fun and I’d definitely do one again.  The solitary training was extremely contrasted by the camaraderie and experience of running with so many other people.  Now I understand why so many people train with running groups – it’s very motivating and you can work off each other;  helping to inspire your pals when they need it and also be brought up by their energy when you need it.


A Summer of “Not Working Out”

A few factors lead to my decision to take it easy this summer when it came to the weight room.  A combination of: my gym closing its doors in early July, a week in Hawaii for work, many weekends away from the city as well as a vacation to Cuba, all collectively led me to decide that I wasn’t going to join another gym until September.

This was the longest break from regular weight training since I first started training over 10 years ago.

Now I didn’t completely stop as I was able to squeeze a few workouts in, some in Hawaii, some in Cuba and a couple times where I talked gyms into letting me have a day pass.  All told, I probably hit 20-25% of the volume I would have hit in the gym had I been going regularly.

How it Felt

The experience of purposely staying out of the gym had some interesting results.  Mentally it was kind of liberating to hang the boots up for a while and just chill.  I didn’t really realize it until many weeks later that it was so recharging – the right amount of downtime which has now morphed into a new desire to get back at it.

A Note on My Diet

I didn’t change my diet in any dramatic fashion during this time.  The only noteworthy difference was I consumed less starchy carbs because my activity level didn’t really call for it.  For the most part I follow a paleo-esque diet, rich in whole foods, but I don’t really worry about the militant restrictions some people follow on the same type of diet.  In other words, I eat beans, legumes, bananas, potatoes as well as consume coffee and alcohol.


I will be the first to admit that I enjoy adult beverages.  By most accounts I’d qualify as a binge drinker on average about one night a week.  I am aware of the repercussions of this and try to buttress against the harmful effects by eating healthy and otherwise leading a healthy lifestyle.  I’ll also admit that at times (Cuba) I let loose beyond my normal consumption and pay the price.  It’s like staring into the eyes of a lion – not sure if it’ll come attack you or whether you’ll be ok in retreat.  What I learned is it’s probably best not to tempt that lion because of the potential repercussions.  If you didn’t follow my metaphor – basically the lesson is be careful will things like alcohol and know and protect thyself.

How did it end up?

I thought that I’d get irritable and restless not being in the gym regularly, and while there was a touch of that it never got bad.  I think that if I didn’t do *anything* physically I would have felt like a mess, however I was still active in other ways.  In fact, since late May I have been taking part in the Global Corporate Challenge (through my work – also where I work) – which promotes physical activity in whatever form you personally desire.  Since then I have been averaging about 14,000 steps a day, or about 9 km’s of walking.  This has certainly helped keep me feeling really refreshed and energetic.

Body Composition

I was around 175 lbs at the beginning of the Summer (a weight that I’ve cruised around for a few years) but weighed myself yesterday and came in at 169 lbs – the lowest I’ve weighed since I was about 15.  I actually took a selfie because I was feeling/looking pretty ripped.  Noteworthy is the fact that the lighting certainly helps accentuate the cuts (I don’t always walk around with overhead lighting, or flexed for that matter).

20130901_151929A word on Habits

I haven’t looked like this everyday of the summer but I would guess that I’m usually about 1-3 days of slight adjustments away from this body at most times  The counter-intuitive thing that I’ve come to realize is that it has become easy for me.

On facebook today I saw a post from Brad Pilon that said:  “Hard work isn’t hard work when you enjoy doing it. Discipline isn’t discipline when it is routine and habit.”  I would echo that in my own experience, as the maintenance/practice of my diet has become so habitual that it doesn’t require any extensive mental resources, and the working out part is now second nature as well.  Even with a “summer off” I don’t feel any less able to achieve what I want.

A final note on Fasting

Intermittent fasting has been a useful tool for me to remain lean without any sacrifice of enjoyment.  As well, I’ve begun using it as a minor type of ‘therapy’ – in other words – purposely using it after any period of caloric surplus.  After a weekend away on the lake for example I have probably eaten more than usual as well as had some adult beverages – what I have done to counter this is a period of fasting immediately following such events.  For example, a couple times I have had a last meal on Sunday in the evening and then waited until dinner time the next day (a Monday) to have my next meal.  Inevitably I consume less calories that day and importantly give my body a break to repair itself as needed.

Nutritional Deficiencies – Fact or Fable?

June 29, 2013

What does the research say?


A good portion of the population is deficient in a variety of nutrients.

What Happens if you are Deficient?

From a physical performance stand point you won’t be able to operate at optimal levels or recover from exercise as quickly or efficiently.

From a health perspective – a near endless list of things can go wrong – from fatigue, to digestive issues, to sleep problems, to immune and hormonal issues – at its most extreme, susceptibility to various degenerative diseases goes up.

Fruits and Vegetables – Get Some (more)

Since fruits and veggies are good sources of vitamins/minerals/phytonutrients etc – it would be advisable to make sure you are ingesting them regularly (daily).

Aside from delivering all the nutrients – fruits and veggies are good as displacing foods.  In other words – if you are filling up on half a plate of broccoli, you are otherwise displacing something perhaps a little more unhealthy you might have eaten otherwise.


In order to get a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals it’s a good idea to mix up your intake.  Perhaps it’s time to experiment with fruits and veggies you’ve never tried before?

How to Make it Happen

I live by a pretty simple rule – at least 2 fruits a day and something green (broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach, asparagus etc) with dinner.  In practice it’s typically more than this – but as a rule – this is a good starting point.

Let’s say you are shopping on a Sunday for the work week:  buy at least 10 pieces (or servings) of fruit and at least something green for dinner each week night.

Extra Insurance

Lately I’ve been making an extra effort to stack healthy shakes on top of my normal fruit and veggie intake.  There’s many whole food concentrates/extracts that can be purchased as extra insurance to your diet.  Here’s a picture what I have in my kitchen at the moment fruits and vegetables wise, including the various powders that I use to make my shakes.


Putting it Together

The USDA finally moved away from the food pyramid towards a more user-friendly visual reference guide based on food proportions on a plate.  While not perfect for everyone it’s certainly a step in the right direction.  If you eat as they generally advise you’ll probably be healthier then most people.


After a quick google search I came across somebodies crack at a similar breakdown that I really like.  As you may have noticed above the USDA plate didn’t really have much to say about fat.  This plate is in line with what what I consider to be balanced from a health and performance perspective.


If you’re still a bit confused – here’s something else to think about.  While I don’t think there is one “best diet” for everyone – a general guideline based on the ideas purported from the “Zone Diet” is pretty decent.  In this diet one is recommend a near balance of all three macronutrient groups – so in other words you would get a respective third of your calorie intake from each carbohydrates, fats and protein.

Extra Credit

For those still with me and wanting to learn more – there are a couple experts in the field of nutrition who write and discuss solid research based advice for those wanting to learn more about health and nutrition.  Here are a couple samples of their materials:

Alan Aragon – The Dirt on Clean Eating

Lyle McDonald – Dr. Drew Podcast

It’s Not all Puppies and Rainbows; My Injury History and Resurgence

March 31, 2013

Over the years I’ve had some ups and downs in my fitness journey.  This post is a summary of my injury history, my subsequent decision to seek out the best professional help I could get and the “new” body I got resulting from my the work I put in.

Writing this post also gives me an excuse to insert my Body By Mitch training montage, an amalgamation of footage from the past few years:

My injuries have ultimately made me stronger

My first substantial injury, one that had lingering effects for a number of years, was sustained during high-school football.  It was mid-season in my senior year;  I started the year at middle linebacker and eventually pulled double duty as fullback because of injuries to other players.  During one game at fullback I was taking on a rushing defensive player who seemed hellbent on smashing into me as hard as he could every play.

I remember after the game a dull ache in my lower back and could tell something wasn’t right.  The next morning I was basically a hobbling mess.  I had sprained my SI joint.  The immediate pain and discomfort was helped a lot by chiropractic care but I would be plagued with recurring bouts of pain and dysfunction over the coming years as the injury flared up from time to time, never quite healed.


You can sprain this??

A note on Acute vs Chronic injuries

The injury to my lower back was a SI Joint Sprain.  This is what would be classified as an acute injury – one that is sustained from a physical trauma.  Falling down the stairs and breaking your leg would be an example of an acute injury.

Chronic injuries on the other hand are slow in their development and build up over time.  An example would be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome from being at a computer with poor posture for many years.

Interestingly, there’s another type of injury, the “straw that broke the camel’s back” type of injury, where an underlying chronic injury gets triggered into a full blown acute injury.  An example of this might be a torn muscle.  At first glance a torn muscle might be viewed as an example of an overload to the tissue, or in other words, an acute event.  However, there may be underlying dysfunction that has set the stage and increased the likelihood that an acute injury would happen.

So how else have I injured myself?

Shoulder Tendinitis

Just a few short years ago I started changing my approach in the gym from a classic bodybuilding type workout approach to more of a powerlifting styled workout approach.  For those who don’t know, the difference between these styles in characterized by the exercise selections and the intensity of the exercises.

While powerlifters usually focus on a small number of lifts (bench press, deadlift, squat) and focus nearly exclusive towards building strength, a bodybuilding type approach is more focused on aesthetic balance and using a wider range of exercises, and generally with less intensity but more overall volume.


Bodybuilder vs Powerlifter

So I was on a quest to build my strength which involved a lot of heavy lifting.  This is where my ignorance got me into trouble.

In order to be successful at powerlifting in the long term, one must have a strong focus on technique and making sure that your lifts are done correctly for your body.  Little did I know that I was building up a chronic injury from improper technique.  My bench press numbers had never been better, 265 pounds at a bodyweight of 175, not a bad total for someone new to powerlifting.

Unfortunately my technique was pretty atrocious, and I was performing more of a neckpress then a benchpress (lowering and pressing the bar over my neck instead of my lower chest).  This technique combined with the weights I was lifting put undue stress on my shoulder.

The end result was an achy and sore shoulder that flared up any time I did a pressing movement.  A few weeks in physiotherapy and some corrective exercises and I was better.  But, no more neck pressing for me.  I learned that lesson the hard way;  it was time to learn proper technique if I wanted to stay injury free and keep progressing.

More frustrating injuries

For the next couple of years I approached weightlifting in a hybrid like approach, keeping strength as a main focus but never letting the aesthetic side be ignored either.   I was doing fine from a phyisque standpoint but in retrospect I was building up muscle imbalances and not paying enough attention to tissue quality (more on this later).

In a span of a couple of months in 2011 I managed to give myself upper hamstring tendinosis as well as sustain a type 2 adductor tear.

Upper Hamstring Tendinosis

Tendinosis is defined as an injury to a tendon at a cellular level.  Basically, where my hamstring connected to my glute was building up scar tissue (a healing response to injury) and experiencing stiffness/pain and lack of proper mobility.


This is where it hurts doc.

The upper hamstring injury was of all things, a hot yoga injury.  What I realize now is that not everybody’s body is designed or destined to be able to do every yoga move.  Unfortunately, I pushed too hard on certain moves that placed directed stress on the upper hamstring tendon.

A combination of too much strain to the one area over many sessions along with the fact that the heat was actually masking some of the pain sensations that I would have felt if it weren’t hot yoga, lead me to another chronic injury.  Unfortunately I wasn’t good at interpreting my bodies signals.

I don’t want to give the impression that hot yoga is dangerous, in fact I’ve gone back since and gotten much benefit from it.  Simply that one must pay attention to their own biofeedback (the sensations of their body) and make sure to pay attention to your own limits.

Adductor Tear

A couple months later I managed to tear the muscles on the inside of my thigh.  These muscles are very involved in sprinting and generating power for the lower body.  I was doing just that at the time – sprinting to first base in softball.  It was a sharp and immediate pain sensation.


Check out the manliest softball jerseys in the history of sporting.

Something wasn’t right with my body.  I asked myself – why am I getting so many injuries in seemingly innocuous ways?


My leg was basically purple for a couple of weeks. This was the tail end of the healing cycle.

Time to seek out professional help.

The back-to-back injuries in 2011 caused me to step back and realize that I couldn’t continue as I was and needed to enlist some expert help.

Thanks to the reach of the internet and knowing about who’s who in the fitness community I decided that a gentleman named Eric Cressey was the ideal guy to help put me back together.  If you don’t know who Eric Cressey is – he is the equivalent of the dog whisperer for humans, but not for poor behavior, for movement biomechanics and performance.  He has carved a niche out for himself in the baseball world as the go-to guy for MLB players staying healthy and getting stronger.  He also takes on regular people like myself as clients.

I contacted Cressey Performance near Boston and booked a one-time evaluation.  On a Friday in October 2011 I drove 9 hours from Toronto to just west of Boston.  The next morning I was the first client booked into Eric’s schedule.  I was taken through a variety of different assessments to analyze how I moved and where I needed help.  From there I was given a comprehensive program to follow that would bring my body back into balance and set a foundation for healthy movement and increased performance moving forward.  It was like getting a prescription for a better body.

Jan 2012 001

Me (left) and Eric Cressey (right)- October 2011

What I learned

In any area of life I believe it is important to be able to take stock of your own situation, your talents and your limitations.  A coach or mentor can be extremely valuable in helping you to get where you want to be and often much quicker and without the pitfalls you might have encountered if you went at it on your own.  In my particular situation, it was a pretty easy decision to make to visit Eric and get his programming.

Since then, I have incorporated a lot more pre-workout warmup exercises and have taken my tissue quality much more seriously (regular foam rolling/massage).   It was really eye-opening how much of an impact proper warmups had on getting my body ready for training.


This was the prescribed warm-up.

Lifting weights to an outsider might seem like a simplistic thing e.g. reduced to moving weights around and grunting.  In reality, and much like any other type of sport or physical activity at a high level, there is never-ending process of refinement and lifelong learning that goes into ones practice.

Whenever I’ve injured myself I’ve reflected on what it was like to be pain free and moving well.  It’s easy to take for granted the ability to move in a way the body is designed to, but when you compromise that ability you realize what a gift it is.  I want to make sure I do everything in my power to make myself injury resistant and strong for the future.

What you can learn from me

If you are an active person I encourage you to pay attention to what your body is telling you.  Pain and associated sensations are a sign that something is amiss.  As a general rule – don’t work through acute pain, you’ll only be doing more damage.

If you want to hit it hard in the weight room learn to monitor your tissue quality (buy a foam roller and work out your tight spots) and implement proper warm up techniques.  Chances are you are carrying around a lot of tension in your muscles.

Why You Should Eat More Fat

December 27, 2012

Sensationalist headline aside – I want to show you that there are many good reasons to make sure you are including (the right) fats in your diet.

Some people reading this may already have solid knowledge about the health benefits of fats, and if you already include ample fats in your diet then you shouldn’t necessarily increase your fat intake as this blog post title implies.  However, if you are in the opposite camp, in that you are somewhat cautious with fat intake, or outright fat-phobic, this article may help you understand the big picture better and give you some advice on how to adjust your diet to include fats for better overall health.

Interestingly, a recent Gallup poll illustrated that more Americans still believe that a low-fat diet is better than a low-carb diet.

As you can see below this trend is changing, albeit slowly.


There is no reason for me to believe these numbers will not continue to move in the same direction.  It will likely take many years to undo the “low-fat is best” dogma that evidently still resides in most peoples minds.  Thankfully there are a lot of people working to show where we were collectively off the mark.  For more background, here is an article that gives some perspective:  The last days of the low-fat diet fad.

In any case, the point of this post is to highlight the health benefits of certain fats so you can make informed decisions about what to put into your body.  Without futher ado:

Why Fats Are Important

  • Fat is required to manufacture and regulate hormones.
  • For women in particular, fat helps with the regulation of hormonal cycles, including menopause and conception.  This also includes optimal thyroid function.
  • When natural growth hormones and testosterone are optimized you will see greater effects and recovery from your workouts e.g. more fat loss and increases in lean muscle tissue.
  • Fats are required for the proper communication of the neurotransmitters in the brain.  Fat provides the building blocks for myelin, the fatty insulating sheath that surrounds each nerve fiber, enabling it to carry messages faster.
  • Fat lubricates your joints, maintains healthy skin, and aids in the digestion process.
  • Fat helps the body use vitamins.  Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble which means that dietary fat aids in their absorption.

What Should You Eat – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Fats

Not all fats are created equal.  Some you will want to consume and some you’ll want to avoid.

As an overarching rule, aim for balance of fats in the diet – this would break down approximately into equal proportions of Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated and Saturated fats.  Don’t get too caught up in exact percentages, instead aim for variety and balance.

Good sources of monounsaturated fats:

  • olive oil
  • nuts (almonds, brazil nuts, etc)
  • nut butters
  • avocados

Good sources of polyunsaturated fats:

  • walnuts
  • pumpkin seeds
  • fish
  • fish oil
  • flax seeds

Good sources of saturated fats:

  • coconut
  • coconut oil
  • eggs*
  • animal meats*
  • butter*

* Better to consume these foods in a more natural state to avoid added antibiotics/hormones, e.g. free range animals raised on their natural diets.

The bad and ugly fats:

  • hydrogenated fats, partially hydrogenated fats and trans fats
  • most vegetable oils

In an effort to extend the shelf life of products and create cheap foods, humans have created a new breed of fats through a process called hydrogenation.  In short, this process involves treating vegetable oils at high temperatures with high pressure hydrogen gas, which results in additional hydrogen atoms being added to the fat chain.  In effect, the hydrogenation turns the oil into a new and harmful type of saturated fat (not the same as the naturally occuring saturated fats above) called hydrogenated or trans fat.

If you see hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated or trans fats on the ingredients list of a product – run away!  These fats wreck havoc on our bodies and there is no nutritional need to consume them.  Hydrogenated or trans fats have been linked with:  cancer, diabetes, decreased immune function, reproductive problems, obesity and heart disease.

Foods that typically contain these fats are:  cookies, cakes, margarine, chips, doughnuts and deep fried foods.   More complete list here.

In short – most processed foods contain these harmful fats.  Once you start looking at labels you’ll be amazed.

As for vegetable oils, the reason they are included on this list is because of they are generally highly processed and include hydrogenated fats.  Oils to avoid are: sunflower, safflower, soya, corn, cottonseed, etc.  Vegetables cannot be pressed naturally to extract oil, as they have little oil on their own, unlike olive and avocado. They must be highly refined and chemically processed to extract their oils. Further, they go rancid rather quickly in your body after ingestion, causing inflammation.

Be careful what you eat!


Fat is essential in a balanced diet.  Consider the following analogy: try to think of nutrition as a three-legged stool where each leg represents one of the basic macronutrtients (protein, carbs, and fats).  If the diet is deficient is any one of these, that leg will be too short and the stool will topple over.  On the contrary – sufficient amounts of each will ensure a balanced diet and a balanced stool.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comments section below.


Alone in Nature and The Power of Strangers

October 30, 2012

Last month I did something I’d never done before in my life –  I took a vacation by myself.

I spent three days hiking through Algonquin Park in central Ontario, taking in the surroundings and enjoying being alone in seemingly boundless nature.  Everything I needed for my trip I carried on my back;  from my food, to my shelter, to my personal items, my pack probably weighed north of 50 pounds.

Before the trip I spoke to a variety of people in my life letting them know about what I had been planning.  The reactions ranged from concern for my well-being (mother and girlfriend), to “what the eff bro,” to encouragement and mostly everything in between.  My sentiment when pressed to explain myself was generally along the lines of “I think it’ll be awesome!”

In the end it was a nice refreshing experience –  it was challenging, rewarding and fun at the same time.

I believe I have now distanced myself appropriately from Nature Deficit Disorder (yes, apparently it’s a thing).  For anybody reading this who feels an itch to get more nature in your life I encourage anything similar, whether that be a nice walk in a park to clear your head or if you’re as lucky as I am a few days away from it all.  Mind you, you may not be the type who can sleep deeply alone in the wilderness shared by bears and squirrels who sound like bears (because everything sounds like a bear at night when you’re by yourself in the middle of nowhere!).

I did manage to document the trip and put together a video.  I actually brought two cameras with me and ended up losing one off my pack along the way (more about that below under “The Power of Strangers”).

What did I eat to fuel myself?

Going into the trip I knew I was going to be exerting a lot of energy.   The challenge I was presented with was to bring in a lot of calories and keep the weight to a minimum.

My go-to trail food was a homemade trail-mix.  I put together a heaping bag of a variety of different dried fruits, nuts and seeds.  This served me well for the bulk of my calories (amongst some others bars, jerky and fruit).

For dinner I brought in a quinoa salad I made ahead of time that included red pepper, green onions and cherry tomatoes.  And of course meat.  I had a steak for the first night and chicken for the second.

and now …

The Power of Strangers

As mentioned above I brought in two different cameras and managed to lose one of them along the way.  One of the cameras was a basic point and shoot and the other was a wearable GoPro camera.

On the second day I had strapped the GoPro to the outside of my pack.  I didn’t take any trail footage on day one with it, as it was zipped away in one of the pockets of my bag and I hadn’t felt like stopping and digging around for it en route.  My solution for day two was to have it accessible on the outside of the pack for when I wanted to capture any cool footage.

Day two I planned on hiking over 15km’s to reach my next campsite.  I knew I had a big day ahead of me and when I left my site in the morning I put my headphones in and peeled out.  I was making pretty fantastic pace and my mp3 players shuffle mode was delivering all the right tunes.  A little over two hours later I decided to take a break and eat lunch.  It was at the moment I took my pack off that I realized the camera had detached from its harness (the harness was still attached but the camera had come off where it had been fixed).

Needless to say I was pretty bummed out.  I had covered a lot of ground and the camera could have fallen off my bag at any point over the past couple hours.  The path I was trekking was about a couple feet wide for the most part and at some points I was going over water.  I thought the chances of somebody finding my lost camera were pretty slim.  Not to mention at this point I was pretty much at the furthest point from the start of the trail, where presumably less people go to and to top it off the fall season was on its way and the leaves were beginning to fall off the trees.  But where there’s a will there’s a way!

From where I had been eating lunch I spotted a tree that would have had to have been seen by hikers going either way and I proceeded to post the following sign (including my contact info on sweet little tear-away pieces):

If you hadn’t guessed already, a few days after returning from my trip I got an email from the staff at the park saying that somebody had returned my camera with my contact info.  Sweeeeeeet!  I ended up sending them a prepaid envelope and they shipped it back to me.  The camera lives to see another day!

The power of a stranger came through (and my MacGyver note paid off!).

Strangely enough I actually have a couple more similar stories that involve lost items being returned under odd circumstances, but I’ll save those for another time.

At the end of the day I managed to have a nice getaway and my faith in everyday people was bolstered.  Pretty good deal I say!

Body By Mitch – Workout Footage (with Foam Rolling Warmup)

August 31, 2012

As you can see below I have captured and uploaded footage of one of my workouts.

First things first – this is not a typical workout for me;  for the most part I normally focus on compound movements in the weight room.  This was a spur of the moment cardio/weights hybrid-type workout – the goal being to challenge both my muscles and my cardiovascular system.  The workout comes in at just under 20 minutes and as you can see is pretty much a cycle of continuous exercises.

Exercises utilized:

  • Chinups
  • Kettlebell Swings
  • 1-Arm Kettlebell Farmers Carries
  • Pushups
  • Hanging Leg Raises (core move)
  • Bodyweight Reverse Lunges
  • Pullups
  • Goblet Squats

The second part encompasses both the end portion of the conditioning workout (warning: contains sweaty man-beast) as well as the foam rolling session I conducted on myself prior to the workout (foam rolling begins at 5:36 and is in x2 fast forward).

The sequence I follow in my foam rolling warmup hits the following:

  • IT Band (Outer Thigh)
  • Quads/Hip Flexors
  • Hamstrings
  • Calves
  • Feet
  • Glutes
  • Adductors (Inner Thigh)
  • Upper back/Shoulders/Lats
  • T-Spine Mobility

I am a big advocate of foam rolling.  For those who are not familiar with foam rolling, it is both an effective means of warming up/preparing muscle tissue prior to exercise as well as a great way to soothe and self-massage muscles as a means of recovery.  There is much written on this topic available online.  I suggest the following links as a primer/overview:

T-Nation:  A Stretch Routine That’s Actually Doable – Dean Somerset.  This article contains practical warmup exercises as well as explanations for why you should use them.  My typical warmup is very much in line with what is contained in this article.

T-Nation:  Feel Better for 10 Bucks – Eric Cressey & Mike Robertson.  This article contains explains why and how a foam roller is useful as well as pictures depicting different ways to use it.

Experience Life:  The Web of Life  – Andrew Heffernan.  High Level Overview of the Fascia System (the tissue that holds all of our muscles together).

Hopefully this post gives you some insight into how you may create a workout on the fly as well as how you may think about and approach your typical warmup.

Feel free to leave a comment or question below.

Superfoods for Health, Vitality and Weight-Management

May 30, 2012

The term Superfood generally refers to foods that deliver a lot of nutrition relative to their volume.

In other words – Superfoods are foods that are nutritionally dense.

Nutrient density is a measure of the amount of nutrients a food contains in comparison to the total number of calories.  A food is more nutrient dense when the level of nutrients is high in relationship to the number of calories the food contains.

An example would be the difference between 200 calories of blueberries vs. 200 calories of cake.  With the blueberries you get much more in the way of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc (the micro-nutrients).  With the cake you would receive the same amount of calories (energy), but you wouldn’t be getting the additional nutrition in the form of healthy micro-nutrients.  The overall energy is the same yet the foods provide vastly different nutrition profiles.

Delicious, but mostly void of nutrition.

For the record, I believe the term Superfood is not a formally recognized term and as such I am appropriating it to suit the context of this article (to make a point about nutritionally dense foods).  You may find the term used elsewhere and I believe most writers use it in the much same manner.

Without further ado – some of the benefits of Superfoods are:

  • Weight-management/Weight-loss.  It is normally difficult to overeat Superfoods. When was the last time you saw someone have an uncontrollable spinach binge?  Many Superfoods contain plenty of fiber, good fats and proteins – helping to satisfy appetite and satiate the body appropriately.
  • More Vitality.  Superfoods can help one have a sustained feeling of energy throughout the day.  Replacing bad fats (trans/industrial vegetable oils) and added sugars with nutrient dense wholefoods will transform the way one feels.
  • Healthy Organs and Strong Immune System.  Providing the body ample nutrition (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients) will help keep cells healthy and ensure optimal functioning, bolstering the immune system and allowing the organs to work optimally.  Remember you are what you eat; what you eat ends up as the building blocks of your cells, tissues and organs.  Who doesn’t want a healthy heart and a well nourished brain?
  • Age Appropriately (read: slower than most everyone!).  When your body has enough nutrition to stay in a comfortable homeostasis it won’t have to sap resources internally or overly stress the bodies systems to simply survive.

Before jumping into the Superfoods I want to highlight, perhaps a bit of context would be useful.  I wouldn’t want someone to think that because they ate some broccoli or a brussel sprout they have the freedom to hit the Pizza Hut lunch buffet without consequence.  It doesn’t work that way; everything you eat counts – so – make what you eat count!

I believe ones diet should be made up of mostly whole foods, with a strong focus on proteins and healthy fats and a balance of starchy and non-starchy carbs.  Carbs are not to be avoided, rather, consumed appropriately.  A general rule of thumb is the more active you are the more carbs you can afford in your diet (keep in mind you can almost always afford green leafy carbs but not generally as much when it comes to their starchy brethren).

I’ve written before on what I considered My Top 10 Foods, and espoused more from the viewpoint of a “balanced diet.”  At the end of the day, I believe the aim should be to have a nice balance of the macro-nutrients (protein, fat, carbs) and micro-nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, etc) appropriate for your lifestyle and fitness goals.

The following are a handful of Superfoods that I want to bring attention to:


Coconut has been slammed with unjust vilification in the past and thrown under the bus because of its high saturated fat content.  Thankfully research and common sense is prevailing and this Superfood is regaining its status as being super-healthy.  Note that  not all saturated fats are created equal – in the case of coconuts the fats are tremendously beneficial.   Coconuts contain MCT’s (medium chain triglycerides) which are quickly metabolized into energy.  Consuming MCT’s has a host of benefits:

“Eating foods containing MCT is like putting high octane fuel into your car. The car runs smoother and gets better gas mileage. Likewise, with MCT your body performs better because it has more energy and greater endurance. Because MCFA are funneled directly to the liver and converted into energy, the body gets a boost of energy. And because MCFA are easily absorbed by the energy-producing organelles of the cells, metabolism increases. This burst of energy has a stimulating effect on the entire body.” Source

Most definitely a Superfood.

Nature has a way of showing us which foods are good for us.  For example, human breast milk contains high levels of MCTs!  That’s right – human breast milk contains saturated fats in the form of MCT’s.

If that isn’t enough,  MCT’s are also highly antimicrobial and antiviral, providing extra protection for the immune system.  Another benefit is that MCT’s help support a balanced complexion.  The list goes on and on.

When it comes to coconut products the two I recommend most highly are pure Coconut Oil (go organic) and Shredded Coconut (organic again).  Coconut water and milk don’t deliver the same amount of nutrition, yet remain a healthy substitute to most beverages (including cow’s milk).


Eggs are another food that has been aggressively thrown under the bus in the past but has regained its status as one of the best Superfoods out there.  The confusion about the nutritional impact of eggs comes from a long line of shoddy science and some unfortunate media coverage.  The truth is eggs are one of the best foods on the planet.  There are tons of experts out there who have shed light on the topic, for a succinct summary check out Jonny Bowden’s article – “Remember the Incredible, Edible Egg.”  One of the key learnings with the prevailing research is that the cholesterol in eggs has almost no effect on cholesterol in your blood – so do yourself a favor and embrace the egg!

Coming in around 70 calories per egg, this food is seriously nutritionally dense.  High in protein, healthy fats and a host of vitamins and minerals.  Remember to eat the yolk too as that’s where the bulk of the nutrition comes from.

Eggs can be enjoyed as part of a meal or even as a stand-alone feeding.  I often eat 3 hard boiled eggs as one of my small feedings throughout the day.  Helps to keep me satiated and provide a compact source of nutrition.

I would recommend eating eggs from free range hens, if possible, (as opposed to battery caged hens) who are not fed antibiotics – it makes a difference in terms of nutritional profiles and taste.

Nothing to be afraid of here!

Almond Butter

Almond butter is a great source of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats.

If you are a fan of peanut butter I would recommend giving almond butter a try in its place.  Almond butter is better from a nutrition standpoint and generally more advisable due to potential allergy concerns.

Almond butter is rich in heart healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.  It’s also a good source of balanced electrolytes, which helps promote balanced blood sugar and blood pressure.

In the same way Eggs are satiating, almond butter does the trick too – a little can go a long way.

If you are a fan of cow’s milk I would recommend giving almond milk a try in its place as well.   Almond Breeze makes a great almond beverage.  I find that Almond Breeze tastes as good if not better than milk, without some of the side effects of milk.

Yummy Stuff!


Avocados were nearly a casualty of the fat-phobic 1980’s and have fortunately made a comeback in recent years.

Once again, nature in her beautiful bounty of intelligence has provided another food that we can call super.

Avocados are great for the eyes, heart and skin.  They contain leutin, a member of the carotenoid family, which is a natural antioxidant that helps keep the eyes and skin healthy.

The healthy monounsaturated fats in avocados provide the bulk of the nutrition in this food.  Among avocados other benefits are:  high in l-carnitine, an amino acid known to increase energy production and help facilitate fat metabolism;  a good source of magnesium and potassium; and a good source of B vitamins.

Avocados also contain healthy saturated fats (ahem, remember coconut?), much different than the saturated fats you’d find in an order of fries.

Rounding it out, avocados usually contain between 11-17 grams of fiber, nearly half a days recommended intake.

I’ve been known to mow an entire avocado in one go, with no guilt, only the pleasure of this foods deliciousness.

Rich and Creamy Superfood


Surely you’ve heard of Quinoa before?   If not, prepare to have a mindgasm.   Quinoa is to the body like Arnold Schwarzenegger is to bodybuilding – awesome, legendary and delicious (perhaps not the last one, regarding Arnold).

Quinoa defines Superfoods – a complete protein (all essential amino acids), high in vitamins and minerals, fiber, phytonutrients and antioxidants.   It cooks quicker than rice and taste better too!

Quinoa is a dieters friend – the slow digesting combination of complex carbohydrates, fiber and protein will help keep you satisfied for a prolonged period of time and deliver lots of nutrition.

No need to go on, but for those who want more in-depth info on the nutritional benefits, here is a good reference Article.

The Arnold Schwarzenegger of Foods: Big on Nutrition, Balanced Throughout, and Downright Awesome

Final Thoughts

I’ve highlighted a select few foods that I believe to solid Superfoods.  This list is not meant to be exhaustive, as there are plenty of other foods out there that deserve credit for their nutrition profiles.   I hope you’ve learned something new about the 5 Superfoods highlighted today.

In terms of the big-picture, it may be helpful to begin thinking of foods in terms of their relative levels of nutrients instead of simply their overall calorie count.  As a society we are very focused on calorie counts and not so much on nutrient density.

I’d argue that a diet that is rich in Superfoods is easy to follow and takes away the guessing game of calorie counting (who wants to do that?), as a diet rich in protein, healthy fats, fiber and the associated vitamins and minerals tends to fit naturally with our hunger levels and resulting satiation.

And do remember: as counter intuitive as it may seem, it is certainly possible to be over-weight and simultaneously under-nourished (from a micro-nutrient standpoint); for example if you eat exclusively Twinkies you will likely get enough calories to live, but your body will be starved of vitamins, minerals and other micro-nutrients.

So please do yourself a favor and begin incorporating more foods like the ones mentioned today, your body will love you for it.

Psychological Tips to Workout More and Eat Healthier – Part 2: Table Tricks

November 26, 2011

Tip #1:  A Multivitamin Is Not A Shield

Don’t fool yourself into thinking that because you popped a multivitamin that you’re free to eat whatever you want without consequence.  It’d certainly be nice if we could take a pill and eat anything – but it doesn’t work that way.

That would be cool if you could eat a good food with a bad food and the good food would cover for the bad food when it got to your stomach. Like you could eat a carrot with an onion ring and they would travel down to your stomach, then they would get there, and the carrot would say, “It’s cool, he’s with me.”  -Mitch Hedberg

A multivitamin can be part of an overall strategy for health but know that most commercial multivitamins supply only a portion of your recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals.

Whole foods should be the cornerstone of your diet and a multivitamin would function to shore up where you might be lacking.

While on the topic of supplements – two other supplements I think most people could use are Omega 3 Fish Oil and Vitamin D3.   The benefits of these are tremendous.

On a side note, Vitamin Waters are far less effective than most multivitamins.  I feel bad for kids today who might be growing up thinking drinking Vitamin Waters will ensure health.  It’s marketing at its finest.  Looking at the nutritional facts of Vitamin Water – they are relatively low in vitamin content and pretty high in sugar.  The only vitamin that I’ve seen at 100% of daily recommended intake is Vitamin C.  Not a big deal, you could probably get your full daily intake from licking a pine tree.

Not A Shield Against A Bad Diet

Tip # 2:  There’s A War Going On and You’re a Victim (of the Food Companies)

What the hell am I talking about?

Food companies are creating frankenfoods that your brain likes.  Companies hire scientists to create foods that will maximally excite your taste-buds and reward your pleasure seeking brain.  In other words, these companies know what to put into their foods so that you’ll eat them and continue to eat them.  They’ll test and retest until they’ve got the right combination of fats, sugars and salts – the ingredients that stimulate our reward centers.  Ever wonder why you can’t stop eating those chips or other snacks?  Well, this is a big part of it.

Processed foods in general lack nutritional value and are heavy in added salts, sugars and fats.  Not to mention other chemicals, preservatives and the like.  Processed foods are generally foods that subtract from your health as opposed to adding to it.

Again, I’d recommend whole foods to be main focus of your diet.   I’ve written on this plenty before.

Scientifically Engineered "Food"

Tip #3:  Have A Food Plan

We all need to eat.  Being prepared with healthy options as opposed to being caught at the whim of our hunger is a good start.  Take some time to analyze your needs and create a plan accordingly.  What might this include?

Stock up on healthy snacks for home and at work.   When I shop for groceries I typically buy enough fruit to give me two pieces a day for the work week.  This is usually an apple and a banana.  On top of that I will have almonds and granola bars (healthy ones) on hand too.

For meals it can be a good idea to make a large batch of something healthy that can supply you with food for a few days.  Some of my favorites are quiona salad, bean salads and hard boiled eggs.

Also, you can always double what you are cooking for dinner and save half of it for a meal the next day.

These strategies help you take control of your food choices.  Stacking the deck in your favor will help you to avoid the temptations of unhealthy choices.

Be a food prep master and you can master your reign over making healthful choices.

Stack The Odds In Your Favor

Tip # 4:  Go for Protein and Fiber

Protein and fiber are key components of a healthy diet.  They will help to keep you feeling satiated (full) longer than most other foods and provide numerous benefits.

Foods high in protein and/or fiber will help to keep blood sugar steady and avoid hunger spikes throughout the day.

With adequate fiber you’ll enjoy the benefits of good gut health and with sufficient protein you will recover from exercise optimally and have good energy levels.

Winning Choice

Tip #5:  Manage Yourself Strategically in Social Settings with Food

Don’t let social functions derail your healthy eating efforts.

I think we’ve all been in a scenario when we’ve eaten more at a social setting than we would have otherwise eaten on our own.  Something is going on here with the social setting and food in close proximity that triggers us to eat mindlessly.

Two strategies that you can employ:

1.  Eat before the function.  Eat a snack/meal that will give you 50-80% fullness.  This way you’ll self limit your consumption.

2.  Don’t be within arms reach of unhealthy foods.  Even being a few feet farther way will help you to eat less.

There’s something primal about eating lots when food is right in front of us.  Our DNA is programmed so that we seize the opportunity to eat what is available.  Use your higher brain functions to employ strategies to manage this.

Plan Ahead and Choose Wisely

Tip #6:  Be Mindful of Your Environment

It’s amazing how much our environment subtly causes us to make choices.

We tend to eat faster in front of a TV.  We tend to eat more when our plates and utensils are larger.  I could go on with examples but the point is that we are constantly exposed to environmental triggers that could be influencing poor choices.

There’s a great book on this exact subject called  Mindless Eating.  Some of key tips from the book can be found in this article – 10 Simple Ways to Eat Less without Noticing.

Becoming aware of the environmental influences of eating can help arm you to make more informed and beneficial choices.

A Not So Subtle Cue to Eat

Wrap Up:

Knowledge creates awareness and momentum – think of some actions you can take today and in the next few days that will help you to make healthy choices and follow through!